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Magical Meaning of the Triangle

Writer's picture: Candace ResslerCandace Ressler

Updated: Dec 21, 2020

Symbols are all around us and in my current Creativity and Visual Thinking class, we were given the assignment to research a symbol we feel drawn to. Personally I have been strongly connected to the triangle shape. I seem to doodle them when bored and feel close to the symbol I do not know much about. This research paper allowed me the time to understand the symbol.

There are many symbols throughout history that have deep psychological and spiritual meaning. Many symbols have significant meaning and sometimes the simplest of shapes can have various meanings. The triangle is an ancient symbol with several different meanings deriving from nature, religion, and science. In this paper, I will discuss the symbol of the triangle throughout history, its cultural significance, and its spiritual significance.

Triangle as a Symbol

The definition of a triangle is simply defined as a closed plane figure having three sides and three angles. There can be many different types of triangles, but equilateral triangles will be the focus of this paper. Although a simple shape the triangle can take on several extraordinarily important meanings. The triangle shape itself has a way of leading the viewer's eye towards the direction of the tip. It guides the eye naturally to whatever direction the tip is pointing.

Having versatility in meanings creates an interesting aspect of the triangle as a symbol. Triangles can symbolize many different ideas including gender, creativity, harmony, proportion, ascension, culmination, illumination, integration, subjectivity, and manifestation. When a triangle is pointing down or inverted, it can symbolize female, lunar, toni, shakti, passive, cave, down, or mother. When the triangle is pointing upward or erect, it can symbolize male, solar, lingam, assertive, mountain, up, or father (Venefica, 2020). Lastly, when discussing the symbol of the triangle, it is important to understand the number of three. Many triads exist and the triangle historically and culturally have been known to represent waxing/waning/full, spirit/mind/body, Father/Son/Holy Ghost, mother/father/child, past/present/future, power/intellect/love, thought/feeling/emotion, mother/maiden/crone, love/truth/wisdom, creator/destroyer/sustainer, and creation/preservation/destruction.


According to Merriam-Webster the first known use of the word triangle was found in the 14th century and originated from middle English and derived from the Latin word Triangulum. Many basic shapes, including triangles, were derived from the 6th-century Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras. The use of the triangle can be seen even earlier by the Egyptians. The Egyptian triangle represents the relationship between the One and each side symbolizes ‘Ausar’ (father), ‘Auset’ (mother), and ‘Heru’ (son). This symbol was used largely in ancient Egypt, specifically influencing the Great Pyramids of Giza that reveal great traditions in this culture. These uses of the triangle in ancient Egypt has been linked to how we use triangles today in mathematics. Another use of triangles in history is seen in Native American culture and art. The triangle symbol oftentimes depicting humans, arrowheads, and camps for Native Americans. Another historical use of the triangle is in mathematics. Triangles are commonly used as symbols in math from geometry to trigonometry. While used in the mathematical setting it also has other symbolic representations like gender. Depending on how the triangles are positioned it can represent gender. As mentioned before, when the triangle is positioned upwards it depicts the power of male or ‘the blade’ and when it is downwards it takes on a feminine nature symbolizing ‘the chalice’. The upward triangle can symbolize ambition, dominance, and is connected to the Roman god of war for his strength. The downward triangle can represent the womb and symbolizes feminine divinity connected with the Roman goddess of love known for her beauty, care, hospitality, and softness. When both the upward and downward is combined it creates the Star of David representing the balance of opposite forces. This symbol oftentimes represents the Star of David within the Jewish religion but also stems from Hinduism and Buddhism. Triangles currently and historically have been used in many forms and ways. Historically, triangles have been used in medical settings which can imply change or heat. Another way the triangle is used as signs to warn of danger especially red inverted triangles. Lastly, the pink triangle has significant historical use when it was used as a symbol in Nazi Germany. The pink triangle was a marker by Nazis to label gay individuals which branded them lower ranks within concentration camps. Later the pink triangle was reclaimed by gay-rights activities protesting to protect the right of gay people. There is a memorial in San Francisco called the Pink Triangle Park to remember gay holocaust victims and use the sign as a symbol of pride.


Many cultures have adopted the use of the triangle. The triangle has been found in Christianity, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Celtic, and Buddhist cultures. Within Christianity, the triangle symbolizes the Holy Trinity of the Father (God), Son, and Holy Ghost. Christians oftentimes see the triangle as a symbol of the Trinity as well are the number three which represents true wisdom. The ancient Egyptians were also known to use the triangle and, as mentioned above, the triangle represented Osiris, Isis, and Horus the father, mother, son. It often symbolized the deity and the triangles are known greatly for the great pyramids of the time. The triangle is also present in Greek and Roman culture representing Zeus, Poseidon, and Hade's important figures in the time.

The Celtic culture has a variety of symbols connected to the triangle. Many key symbols stemmed from the triangle like the Celtic knot, triskelion, and triquetra with triangle themes. Trinity itself in Celtic culture comes in many different forms of symbolic meaning. In Celtic culture, the triad of mother, maiden, crone has derived as well as otherworld, the mortal world, and celestial. Lastly, the pattern of birth, death, and life is prevalent within Celtic wisdom. In Buddhism, triangles are seen in many Temples, Pagodas, and other religious spaces. In this aspect, the triangle represents the power of three which can symbolize luck, creativity, and inspiration. The power of three is linked to self-knowledge and understanding the inner self through significant patterns. Some specific patterns include meditation where wisdom, love, and compassion are the three. Others include Elephants (will-power, patience, wisdom), Lion (strength, care, courage), Triangle of manifestation (thought, emotion, action), Middle pillar (left, right, center), divine creation (male, female, child), life (morality, concentration, insight), and the third eye mediation (concentration, visualization, determination).


The spiritual connection of the triangle symbolizes change and the importance of letting go of things holding one back and embracing change in life. Triangles symbolize strength and represent the parts of human existence and the journey through body, mind, and spirit/soul. The four elements of earth, fire, air, and water are depicted through a triangle while representing the different elements and their own meanings.

In Aristotle’s conception of the five elements, he assigned triangles to symbolize each element. Fire is the upward triangle that symbolizes courage, strength, and passion while air is an upward triangle with a horizontal line symbolizing the intellect, communication, and imagination. The downward triangles represent water symbolizing purification, healing, and peace while the earth is downward with a horizontal line symbolizing stability, grounding, and fertility

The Triangle can be seen as a symbolic doorway or delta glyph which is the idea that comes from the Greeks connecting the door to deeper spirituality. It connects the balance of the symbol and the doorway to higher or spiritual wisdom. It is interesting to connect the triangle symbol to the elemental signs. In the TV show Avatar: The Last Airbender (one of my favorite shows) the main character is connected to all four elements and with those connected to the spirit world.

By understanding each symbol and element, he is better able to connect to the spirit world or spiritually in general. The spirit world in this series is a vast world where spirits and the supernatural reside often explaining deeper aspects to life and nature. It is an interesting pattern that once we better understand the triangular elements, we gain a better balance and can use the symbolic doorway to deeper spirituality.

Another connection to the triangle symbol in current popular movies is the triangle with a circle inside which can symbolize secret societies or satanic groups. In Harry Potter, the symbol of a triangle with a circle inside represent the deathly hollows, the connection of three elements of the resurrection stone, the elder wand, and the cloak of invisibility. The deathly hollow symbol represents the three elements coming together to create a master of death. The wizarding world is a secret society within the books and movies and connecting the symbol of the triangle to popular media brings an interesting new aspect to symbolization. It is interesting to see the symbolic meanings within making the stories even more fascinating.

The End

Sometimes the simplest of shapes can have great symbolic meaning. The triangle is a symbol that I have felt connected to and researching deeper meanings has been insightful and interesting. The simple triangle ended up being a major teaching tool by helping to understand symbolism, metaphor, and artistic language. There are many symbols in our world, and it is important to be aware of patterns and connections we might feel. By understanding symbols, we are better able to help out clients recognize their patterns and start the deeper symbolic meanings. I encourage you to think about symbols you feel connected to and look into the deeper meaning.



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