• Of the 175 Indian languages once spoken in the United States, only about 20 still remain
• American Indians/ Alaska Natives are composed of 566 distinct tribes
• 3.8 million, representing 1.2% of the total U.S. population | 1.81 million Americans report Indian roots
• 34% live on reservations & 56% reside in metropolitan areas
• American Indiana have the highest national poverty rate 27%
• Must have 25% Indian blood to be considered an Indian
History Europeans came to North America and by the late 18th century only 10% of the original population of Native Americans remained. In 1830, more than 125,000 people were forced onto reservations. In attempts to ‘civilize’ them, children were removed from families and put into English speaking boarding schools where they were forbidden to speak their language and culture. This created a ‘historical trauma’ which means the distress experienced by an individual can be passed down intergenerationally. Native Americans originally had resources. These resources were taken away or destroyed by imperial, colonial, and federal and state policies.
Cultural & Spiritual
Sharing and giving is how one would gain honor and respect.
Cooperation and having harmonious relationships are important
Noninterference means respecting others beliefs and rights
Time orientation is focused on the present
Spirituality and the connection of the mind, body, spirit are all interconnected
Nonverbal communication means more listening and less direct eye contact
Health Statistics
The death rate by any cause is nearly 50% higher for Native American
The alcoholism mortality rate is over twice as high for Indians
Unintentional injuries, traffic crashes, poisoning, and falls are 1.4 to 3 times higher
Injuries and violence account for 75% of all deaths | between the ages of 1 -19
The population suffers from depression, anxiety, and substance abuse
Family Structure
· Matriarchal & Patriarchal – Depending on tribes
· Extended family is a basic unit
· Children often raised by relatives
Native Americans are resilient people who have endured oppression and abuse. They have an important connection to traditional values and family. They have respect for the environment and have a connection to the past and strong adaptability.
The small percentage makes this population vulnerable to misunderstandings and stereotypes
Tribes are very important and provide Native American individuals with a sense of security and belonging.
A ‘we’ culture that focuses on if their behaviors benefit the tribe.
Personal accomplishments are rewarded if they benefit the tribe.
Counseling & Art Therapy with Native Americans
When working with Native American Indians, they are more likely to be mistrusting. This population was brutalized, and the mistrust is understandable. Counseling and Art Therapy can be a very important and helpful tool for this population. Counselors need to be culturally competent for these clients. When working with this population, counselors must discuss tribal affiliation, language, self-identity, and background.
Things that might specifically affect this population are:
Alcohol and substance abuse are some of the greatest problems faced by the American Indian/Alaska Native population. Domestic violence is also high.

Red Can Graffiti Jam is one program by the Cheyenne River Youth Project in South Dakota, that allows the community to celebrate their culture and self-express through art. A beautiful representation of how art can heal a community. This event allows this population to express in a safe way.