Why did I decide to create a website and start a blog? Well, to be honest, I did not want to; I am not a great writer and will probably create posts with tons of grammatical errors with sentences that might not even make sense. First, I created it out of boredom. It was something to do and I have always wanted my own website of my own, I think a simple ad piqued my interest. I also thought, “I have to do all these assignments for school and completing a ton of writing, why not share." I am also nearing the end of my master's school program (1 YEAR/ 3 MORE SEMESTERS LEFT!) and figured if I am going to be a counseling and art therapy entrepreneur one day, let us start the foundation now.
I will most likely keep my posts short and probably stick to past papers I had to complete or interventions I created for a class. We will see how often I post, and I will keep the content flexible. What I hope to accomplish is to establish a place to create, share, and learn!