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Dream Big

Updated: Dec 21, 2020

So I have a lot of big dreams for my future. When I was in high school my big dream was to go into art therapy and start my own business. Now that I only have ONE YEAR left, I still have those big dreams. Today we started a Lifestyle and Career Development class and we spent time doing a vision board! While my dreams are now maybe more realistic, understanding it might take more time and experience to obtain, I still have the core dream of my own business. Doing this vision board got me very excited about my goals and reminded me of this journey and excitement I have. One thing I am going to do with this vision board is to place it somewhere I will see every day (In my home office). I am going to make the intention of sitting with my vision board at least once per week and spending time with it, tuning into the feelings of getting what I want, and feeling the happiness radiate! Putting it out into the universe!

My goal one day is to create my own business where I can practice counseling and art, but also have other creative therapies around. I would love to have my own studio office where many expressive therapies can come together in a unique care experience. I would love art therapists, music therapists, therapy animals, and many more to work with and give many options for clients looking for alternatives. I find it so fun to imagine my own studio and maybe even starting the business with friends I have made from Ursuline or from along my journey. Who really knows if this is even possible, but I will keep the passion and the dream strong.


I encourage everyone to do this process, especially now since we are stuck in the house. An introduction is about careers.

"Career is a broad term that has multiple meanings. One of the defining qualities of career, however, is that generally, it encompasses one’s past experiences, current perceptions and endeavors, and future goals and aspirations. In this way, a career represents a developmental picture of your life! Aspects of your career-life include relationships, roles, leisure, jobs, personality, interests, abilities and skills, values, beliefs, occupational environments, maturity, and adaptability. Thus, a career means many things. One way to organize, plan, and to put into action the many aspects of a career is to create a vision of what you want! A Vision Board is a visual representation of the career aspects that were discussed above, including roles, jobs, interests, personality features, values, and career environments.

The goal of this activity is to create a vision of what you for your career starting today.

Materials: Scissors Glue, Tape, Glue Gun, and Glue Sticks Magazines, Newspapers, Pamphlets, etc. Photographs, Letters, Postcards Stickers Markers, Crayons, Paints, other drawing or painting materials Acid-free adhesive for pictures, Poster Boards or Large Sheet of paper.


Steps 1. Create a Plan: Think about what your vision board will say – what message do you want it to convey?

Consider the desires and intentions you want to reflect on your board:

  • Career Goals

  • Values

  • Relationships (e.g., work, family, love, friendships, etc.)

  • Health and Wellness

  • Leisure Time

  • What You are Willing to Learn

  • What Discomfort You are Willing to Endure

Consider the types of images and text you will include on your board (for most cutouts, using stick glue, tape, or hot glue will be a good adhesive; for photographs, using acid-free, removable adhesive will be better):

  • Newspaper and Magazine Cutouts

  • Printed Text/Quotes

  • Photographs

  • Online Images

  • Book Pages/Brochures/Pamphlets/Flyers

  • Old Letters/Postcards

  • Creative Imagery (drawn or painted)

  • Stickers and other embellishments

Consider the style you would like to organize your vision images – Intentional Pattern/Structure or Open/Random Placement

Consider the Atmosphere of Creation – would you like to burn a candle or incense; play a certain kind of music or sound; what time of day would be best for your creativity

Step 2.Collect your Supplies

Step 3. Set Up Your Space

Consider a space that is quiet and will be easily uninterrupted for a few hours

Consider getting all your supplies out to be accessed

  • Light candles or incense

  • Turn on music or soundscapes

  • Set an Intention (meditation) – check in with you!

Step 4. Create Your Vision Board – create a collage of images that represent the message you want to convey. Tell a story of images that speaks to you!

  • Images mirror your intentions!

  • Sit with each image; hold it; feel the desire and intention behind the image that is part of your vision board before adhering to the surface

  • Notice the emotions that arise when you think of the image and intention you are setting

  • IMPORTANT: SEE YOURSELF GETTING WHAT YOU WANT AND FEEL THE HAPPINESS RADIATING FROM IT! This is the feeling you will connect with each time you look at your vision board.

Step 5. Display Your Vision setting

  • Place your vision board in a place that you will see it every day.

  • Make the intention of sitting with your vision board at least once per week. Each sitting should be about 5-10 minutes to look at your board, reflect on why you chose certain images, and tune in to the feelings of getting what you want and feeling the happiness radiate!


Adopted from MindValley Blog:

& referenced from Megan M. Seaman, Ph.D., NCC, RYT; Lifestyle, and Career Development.

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