Materials Needed Include:
Canvas, acrylic paints, paintbrushes, paper towels, and water jar.
Goals Are:
1. Complete the process of letting go.
2. Work through feelings of guilt, depression, or anger associated with the loss.
1. This art project will be multiple sessions and across several weeks of art therapy.
2. Clients will work with the therapist and plan a painting that will be done on a canvas that shows growth from therapy and from the process of grief.
3. Once the client has a clear idea of what they want to create, they can start painting on the canvas.
4. Each week client will work with the painting and add detail.
5. This process of painting on canvas might parallel the journey of grief and healing. Discussing both processes is important through sessions.
6. Some topics to be discussed may be guilt, depression, sadness, or anger.
7. Let the client work freely and therapists be there for help when needed.
8. Take time at end of the session to discuss work completed and anything the client wishes to process.
9. Instruct clients each week to clean art space.
Adaptations & Safety: Depending on the developmental level and client abilities, the planning process may need to be simplified and made into a shorter process. With the same prompt clients can work through the growth made as well as guilt, depression, or anger. Paints should be monitored, closed when not in use, and stored properly.