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Materials Needed Include:

Different types of paper with a variety of sizes, past scrap paper, past artwork, tissue paper, watercolor paper, watercolor, glue, scissors, black paper (to collage on).

Goals Are:

1. Successfully grieve the loss within a supportive emotional environment.

2. Process the journey of grief which is unique for each individual.


1. This art intervention is for clients later in the session, when the client has pieces they want to repurpose and collage.

2. The client will be prompted with the word ‘Metamorphosis’ and how the client has grown and changed throughout the session and the grief process.

3. Clients will have past work and even the opportunity to create new work, reflect on those artworks.

4. Black paper will be given, and the therapist will ask the client to collage together a piece that represents the ‘Metamorphosis’ they have gone through. (Can be representational art or abstract)

5. Clients will then collage together art with whatever past work they have created and want to use as well as using tissue paper, watercolor, glue, and scissors.

6. After work is completed, give time to talk about the client’s metamorphosis and grief process. Talk about where they are now, where they want to be, and what they want to work on.

7. Instruct the client to help clean the area at sessions end.

Adaptations & Safety: This intervention is to collage past art together, but this could be prompted as a drawing or painting day. The clients might also want to create new work to collage and that is an option. If clients are using scissors or glue closer supervisor may be required. Assistance in cutting and glue may be required.

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